Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Photos

My mom, Sydney and I went to Suzuki Institute (violin camp) and stayed at a friend's house. This is their dog, Bella.

While we were at Institute, we had an arts and crafts class every day. One day we made these tissue paper flowers.

One morning of Institute, we ate breakfast at a coffee shop. There were beautiful flowers in the garden outside.

When we got home from Institute, our beloved hamster had died. We got a hermit crab and named her Tamara. She is very active and walks around her cage a lot.

This is a humming bird that I saw flying around the honeysuckle in our garden. Can you see it?

These flowers were on Dog Mountain. We hiked up this mountain with dad while mom was in Montana. It's a long, steep hike and this was our third time. Every time we have done this hike, the people at the top are amazed that little girls can do it.